Delve into the Latest Developments at HSP Europe
As the end of the year approaches, plans are well underway for the annual High Security Printingâ„¢ Europe conference, taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan from 27-29 March 2017. The event provides a regional forum covering Europe and the CIS for the production, protection and personalisation of currency, ID and secure documents.
These include currency, fiduciary documents, excise stamps, ID cards, e-passports, visas, vehicle documents and licences, with a particular emphasis on banknotes and the emerging technologies for ID and travel documents. Speakers are specialists in their field providing technical presentations, include some regional case studies. Running in tandem with the event is a trade exhibition of over 40 exhibitors working in the currency, e-passport, smart card, authentication and related industries.
The conference features a twin track programme, with sessions split between Currency and ID and Secure Documents – allowing delegates to tailor their conference experience to meet their interests. We have over 40 presenters at the event and will be finalising the conference programme in the coming months. In the meantime, if you would like to present a case study or topic, please contact the Conference Director, Micaal Sidorov (micaal@reconnaissance-intl.com).
The programme is preceded by two optional half day seminars. Usually covering two themes, mirroring the twin track programme, they are based around practical in-depth advice and case studies on topics including forensic approaches to detecting counterfeiting, combating document fraud and emerging technologies for secure government documents.
The main programme will open with a session dedicated to regional developments before dividing into two tracks, with four sessions on either currency or ID and secure documents. The final, combined, session, will cover next generation security technologies.
The conference will take place in the luxurious Fairmont Hotel, in the Flame Towers, Baku. The hotel is situated amid cypress-lined boardwalks and café-filled streets and will be an exceptional venue for this year’s event.
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